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2025-02-14 08:14
Argox AS 8000

The sleek new AS-8000 is the ideal scanner for retail applications. Its light-weight, easy-to-handle form factor makes scanning a breeze.


The sleek new AS-8000 is the ideal scanner for retail applications. Its light-weight, easy-to-handle form factor makes scanning a breeze. Operation is intuitive, no warm up or waiting: Just point and scan! The AS-8000 reads all commonly used barcode symbologies from contact up to a distance of 125mm. Available in black or gray to match most retail systems, the AS-8000 offers easy plug and play installation. For all retail and similar applications, this little mid-range imager delivers unmatched cost / performance.

  • Light Weight, Ergonomic Design
  • Gerneral Purpose reader - a signle device covering the broadest range of application
  • Durable - without any moving parts to wear out
  • 100 scans per second and working range from contact to 150mm on medium density barcodes
  • Excellent Scanning Performance starting at 0.1mm (4 mil)
  • Readable Under Sun Light
  • Reliability
    • (1) Trigger: 1,000,000 times
    • (2) Cable: 320,000 times (90°)
    • (3) Drop: 1.5 meter


Light Source 660 nm visible red LED
Interface USB
Optical System 2048 pixel CCD (Charger-Coupled Device)
Depth of Scan Field 150 mm (Code 39, 500Lux, PCS=90%, 20mils)
Scan Width 95mm wide @ 55mm distance
50mm wide @ 10mm
Scan Speed 100 scan/sec
Resolution 0.1mm(4mils) - Code 39, PCS=90 %
Print Contrast 45% or more
Scanning Angle Pitch: Max 60° ,Yaw: Max 70°
Decode Capability Autodiscriminates all standard onedimension barcodes; including GS1 databar
Indicator Green LED
Weight 90 gram

Application Business

Sistem Usaha Eceran/Retail POS
Industri Otomotif dan Suku Cadang
Industri Kimia
Industri Obat-obatan
Industri Garment
Industri Elektronik
Transportasi dan Logistik
Aplikasi Bidang Pemerintahan
Medis dan Pengobatan
Dan Lai-lain

* Spesifikasi yang tertera dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan. Silahkan hubungi Marketing untuk informasi lebih lanjut.

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